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Secure Soft - Your information in the cloud is safer than ever

The telecommunications company counts with an IT ecosystem for digital transformation, that from now on will be strengthened in its cybersecurity services with its knowledge directly from a leader in the regional market.
With the purpose of satisfying the needs of the business world, be it in Chile, Peru, Colombia and Spain, or in other countries in the region, Gtd has associated itself with the peruvian company Secure Soft, leader in cybersecurity services in the region, with operations in Peru, Colombia and Ecuador, and that within its customer portfolio, counts with the main financial entities in those countries. Gtd buys participation in the peruvian company, expert in digital security, in the context of a strategy made by the company to improve its relevant IT solutions, complete and secure for the digital transformation of its clients and organizations.
"It is estimated that by 2024 the size of the cybersecurity industry in Latin America will be almost US 8 billion, according to results by the consultancy firm Gartner, expert in IT. In this sense, in Gtd we are conscious that cybersecurity is a sophisticated industry, with specialized knowledge and based on trust bonds and for which we look for a partner with which we can offer a set of solutions in areas of security for our clients", commented Juan Ernesto Landaeta, CEO of Servicios TI Gtd.
Gtd is a member of tech Accord (cybertechaccord.org/), entity that promotes a safer online world for users and clients from all over the world, and that currently gathers more than 100 global tech leading companies, encouraging collaboration among them, and promising to protect its clients and users to contribute to a defense from external threats.
Due to the pandemic, we as a company have been able to appreciate an explosive growth in eCommerce, telecommuting, homeschooling, therefore the processes of digital transformation become even more relevant and for which it is necessary to count with good tools and cybersecurity processes that provide trust to organizations, clients, colaborators and stockholders in different industries.